Stencil designs logo’s and identities; material for kids and schools; posters; brochures and flyers; catalogues; books; magazines; annual reports; websites; exhibitions. But she also makes illustrations, infographics and an occasional photograph.
Selection of clients:
WWF (Wereld Natuur Fonds); Nieuwe Helden tandartsen; University of Amsterdam (ACGS, CREATE, Centre for Urban Studies); Woesteland; Jackie Mulder photography; De Hartenlustschool; Eefje Claassen; Anne Doeleman; Academie voor Kindertandheelkunde; Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam; CICERO; Plan B; Rederij van Egmond Amsterdam; Els meijers tekst en Communicatie; Firma Fluks; Blink uitgevers (National Geographic Junior magazine); Young Crowds (Frans Halsmuseum; Kasteel Hoensbroek; Annie MG Schmidtweek; Code M); Catch the springsnow Festival; Maastricht University (NACCA); Leerorkest, Amsterdam; Muziekschool Amsterdam Zuid-Oost; Dr. Rijk Kramerschool.